
Fall for DIY with a British artisan

Looking for a simple way to refresh your home this autumn? Follow Francesca, the creative British artisan to craft a stunning gold leaf soap to liven up this season.


  • Clear Soap
  • White Soap
  • Gold Leaf Flakes
  • Essential Oil
  • Alphabet Mould
  • Wilton Food Colouring

1. Melt the soap in a microwave. It’s best to do this a little at a time so you don’t have to rush through big batches. Add your scents and gold leaf.


2. Prop the mould up at an angle. Pour in the melted soap. This is much easier if you have a measuring jug handy.

Half fill the mould until you can’t get any more soap into the letter spaces without laying the mould flat. Once this has cooled lay the mould flat and get to work on melting the white soap.

3. Mix you colours into the melted soap and pour into the flat mould – filling it to the top.

4. Leave for a few hours to fully cool and set. Carefully pop out from the mould and using a retractable knife slice of the front of the soap to make it clean and smooth.

Special thanks to Fall for DIY